St James’s Market (Phase 2)

West end, London, SW1
2010 to 2022

This is the second phase of the Crown Estate’s major regeneration project on the eastern side of their St James’s Estate, the most prestigious office location in London. Following on from the successful completion and letting of the 260,000 sq ft Phase 1, plans are progressing for a Make designed office led mixed use scheme, including significant public realm.

Capital Real Estate Partners act as strategic property adviser to the Crown including:

  • Advice on the sale of a 50% stake to form a joint venture with Oxford Properties, the existing partner on Phase 1.
  • Restructuring occupational leases to align with a single block date.
  • Advice on the selection of the appropriate development management partner for this phase.
  • Historic analysis on the financial returns of the feasibility options.

St James’s Market (Phase 2) photo